Battery Indicator Pro Apk v2.6.0 Full Gratis Update Terbaru
Craft JT Download Battery Indicator Pro Apk v2.6.0 Full Gratis Update Terbaru - Sekarang aku akan berbagi Aplikasi Android premium secara perdeo yaitu Indikator Baterai Pro . Aplikasi ini memiliki fungsi untuk memudahkan kita memonitor kondisi batery pada android. Seperti saat sisa batrai yang terpakai atau saat pengisian batrai. Di playstore sendiri aplikasi ini merupakan apliaksi berbayar dan disini kalian mampu download Battery Indicator Pro Apk versi modern nya secara gratis. Indikator Baterai Pro Info File Nama : Battery Indicator Pro Apk Version : dua.6.0 Ukuran : 5 MB Android : 2.3 + Upload : 26 Januari 2018 Features : Widgets on the home screen Emergence estimated time remaining stuffing reduced or increased power Emergence of colored icons with gosip on the notice. Huge Amounts are unreadable Fast access to many details including temperature , voltage , decreasing or increasing the rate of charging in percent per hour , as well as information about what the system is d...